
Just a brief overview for you all as their is sooooo much going on for 2021 – I just hope we don’t have to cancel too much!

I am just setting new dates for the Brill farm, it will be at least 1 x monthly there.

Hoping also for a regular workshop at Brackley Town FC and the same for Quainton Railways.

I will be running a Silver Award training session late Feb ahead of hosting an assessment day.

I’m hoping our Buckingham FC will be available to continue with our shorter Weekday skills sessions. We will muddle through re venues for our Scentwork dog of the year comps until we are settled back at the clubhouse. Once we are back, we can do some specific trials training.

I would love to run some SWUK trials when possible – Grendon venue lends itself well to the SWUK trials so I need to see if we can get back there.

I’d also like to host some Prelim Detection Dog Trials so we can all get a feel for them.

I have one (maybe two) new venues bubbling away so fingers crossed with them.

Also our regular Trailing sessions with Lou Holmes!

Thank you all for being awesome.

The End.



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