Welcome to Ace Tails!
Please scroll below to find the course or class you are looking for and complete the details required for booking.
Once you have booked on, your place is confirmed.
You will be able to pay by card at the final stages of booking.
We hold Scentwork workshops at various venues. If you are unsure as to whether a particular class is suitable for you and your dog, please contact me.
Any problems, please call Nikki on 07917842236 or email nikkiacetails@gmail.com
Terms & Conditions
By booking training with Ace Tails, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of this agreement. In addition, when using these services, you shall be subject to any guidelines or rules applicable to such services. Any participation in this service will constitute acceptance of this agreement.
As with all activities there is a risk of injury and illness, although this will be minimised as much as possible. No fault shall be placed on the training provider in the event of injury or illness occurring. Full risk assessments are completed and updated regularly.
Ace Tails CANNOT ACCEPT AGGRESSIVE DOGS ONTO OUR GROUP COURSES. If in doubt as to whether your dog is suitable for a class, please contact us by phone, prior to booking.
Positive handling is expected at all times.
Physical force and punishment-based training techniques are not permitted. This includes Check chains/pinch collars of any description; electronic training collars including citronella or any other device that causes discomfort, pain or fear to the dog will NOT be allowed.
Bitches in season or unwell dogs are not permitted to come to any of the classes or sessions.
Flexi leads are not permitted in class to avoid injury to others.
Dogs must be well to attend any training or workshops.
Photographs and videos may be taken during training sessions to be shared on Social media. If you are not happy for this, please advise Nikki.
Ace Tails reserves the right to alter times for and cancel classes where necessary. Full refunds will be offered if new dates/times are not suitable.
Compliments or Complaints to Nikki Thorpe – 07917842236 nikkiacetails@gmail.com